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This Programme is for bright and ambitious Bachelor’s students wishing to apply for a Master’s degree in Science and Engineering (Diplômed’ingénieur) starting in September 2019 in one of the 10 ParisTech Schools.

You will find on the following link
ParisTech’s PowerPoint presentationincluding the list of students who have recently been admitted in the Programme.

You can download a
document in Chinese describing the 9+9 admission Programme, including a link to a video in Chinese presenting ParisTech and the admission process.

“9+9” China Admission Programme – Academic Year 2019-2020

Grandes Ecoles in the Programme:

•Arts et Métiers ParisTech*
•Chimie ParisTech
•École des Ponts ParisTech
•ENSAE ParisTech
•ENSTA ParisTech
•ESPCI ParisTech
•Institutd’Optique Graduate School
•MINES ParisTech
•Telecom ParisTech

*Admission through Double Degree programmes only

Fields of specialization offered:

Applied mathematics - computer science - statistics - finance - physics - optical sciences - economics & social sciences - executive engineering - industrial & production engineering - materials science & engineering - mechanical engineering - offshore engineering - naval architecture civil engineering –town & country planning – transport engineering & systems - electrical, electronic & photonic engineering - information technology & telecommunications - robotics - automatics - energy &nuclear engineering - chemistry - chemical engineering - earth sciences - environmental engineering - life sciences - food engineering - forest engineering - agricultural engineering - computational biology - bioengineering & biophysics

For admission into the two-year Master’s programme (Diplômed’ingénieur):

All applicants should submit their online application form to ParisTech at:


Main dates of the procedure:
-June 1st 2018: opening date of the on-line application
-September 20th2018: closing date of the on-line application
-September 26th2018: the scientific written test will simultaneously take place in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan.Please note that Zhejiang University’s candidates are invited to sit in the written test in Shanghai.
-October 22nd-26th 2018: interviews by ParisTech Selection Board in Beijing, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan
-Beginning of December 2018: publication of admission results