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The current position: Publications < 2011

1. Dong Hou, Peng Li, Cheng Liu, Jianye Zhao and Zhigang Zhang, “Long-term stable frequency transfer over an urban fiber link using microwave phase stabilization,” Opt. Express 19, 506-511 (2011).

2. S. Fang, K. Yamane, J. Zhu, C. Zhou, Z. Zhang, M. Yamashita, “Generation of sub-900 µJ super- continuum with a two-octave bandwidth based on induced phase modulation in argon-filled hollow fiber,” IEEE Photon. Techno. Lett., 23, 1041-1135 (2011).

3. X. Wang, P. Li, H. Yang, T. Jiang, Y. Ma, Z. Fan, G. Niu, J. Yu, A. Wang, and Z. Zhang, “Microjoule level femtosecond optical pulses with double-cladding fiber-based nonlinear chirped-pulse amplification,” Laser Phys., 21, 1941(2011).

4. Dong Hou, Bo Ning, Peng Li, Zhigang Zhang, Jianye Zhao, “Modeling analysis for phase-locking of a mode-locked laser,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 47, 891–898 (2011).    
5. Aimin Wang, Hongyu Yang, Zhigang Zhang, “503MHz repetition rate femtosecond Yb:fiber ring laser with an integrated WDM collimator,” Opt. Express 19, 25412-25417 (2011).