欢迎您来到北京大学量子电子学研究所! 联系电话:010-6275-3208


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1. Zhiguo Wang, Xiang Peng, Rui Zhang, Hui Luo, Jiajia Li, Zhiqiang Xiong, Shanshan Wang, and Hong Guo, “Single-Species Atomic Comagnetometer Based on 87Rb Atoms,Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 193002 (2020).

2. Rui Zhang, Wei Xiao, Yudong Ding, Yulong Feng, Xiang Peng, Liang Shen, Chenxi Sun, Teng Wu, Yulong Wu, Yucheng Yang, Zhaoyu Zheng, Xiangzhi Zhang, Jingbiao Chen, Hong Guo, "Recording brain activities in unshielded Earth's field with optically pumped atomic magnetometers,Sci. Adv. 6, eaba8792 (2020).

3. Liang Shen, Rui Zhang, Teng Wu, Xiang Peng, Song Yu, Jingbiao Chen, and Hong Guo, "Suppression of current source noise with an atomic magnetometer,Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 084701 (2020).

4. Haidong Wang, Teng Wu, He Wang, Yang Liu, Xinmin Mao, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, "All-optical self-oscillating 4He atomic magnetometer with optical phase shift," Opt. Express 11, 15081 (2020).

5. Haidong Wang, Teng Wu, He Wang, Sheng Li, Zaisheng Lin, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, "A Compact Laser Pumped 4He Magnetometer with Laser-Frequency Stabilization by Inhomogeneous Light Shifts,Appl. Sci. 10, 3608 (2020).

6. He Wang, Teng Wu, Haidong Wang, Xiang Peng , and Hong Guo, "Magneto-optical spectroscopy with arbitrarily polarized intensity-modulated light in 4He atoms,Phys. Rev A 101, 063408 (2020). 

7. Rui Zhang, Teng Wu, Jingbiao Chen, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “Frequency Response of Optically Pumped Magnetometer with Nonlinear Zeeman Effect,” Appl. Sci. 10, 7031 (2020).

8. Rui Zhang, Yudong Ding, Yucheng Yang, Zhaoyu Zheng, Jingbiao Chen, Xiang Peng, Teng Wu, and Hong Guo, "Active Magnetic-Field Stabilization with Atomic Magnetometer,Sensors 20, 4241 (2020).

9. Sheng Li, Yuanzhi Zhan, Xiang Peng, Jingbiao Chen and Hong Guo, "Linear and nonlinear coherence transfer of resonant nuclear-spin-dressed effect via metastability-exchange collisions,J. Phys. B 53, 065202 (2020).

10. He Wang, Changping Du, Haidong Wang, Mingyao Xia , Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “Aeromagnetic Compensation With Suppressing Heading Error of the Scalar Atomic Magnetometer,” IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 17, 1134 (2020).

11. Mengkai Hu, Sen Jing, Changping Du, Mingyao Xia, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, " Magnetic Dipole Target Signal Detection via Convolutional Neural Network," IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., Early Access Article, (2020).

12. Mengkai Hu, Changping Du, Haidong Wang, Mingyao Xia, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, "Optimized Basis Functions Under Gaussian Color Noise for Magnetic Target Signal Detection,IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., Early Access Article, (2020).



1. Changping Du, Haidong Wang, He Wang, Mingyao Xia , Xiang Peng, Qi Han, Pengyi Zou, Hong Guo, "Extended aeromagnetic compensation modelling including non-manoeuvring interferences,IET Sci. Meas. Technol. 13, 1033 (2019).

2. Zhiguo Wang, Xiang Peng, Rui Zhang, Hui Luo, Hong Guo, "Radiation Damping in gas spin comagnetometers," J. Magn. Reson. 302, 14 (2019).

3. Yuanzhi Zhan, Xiang Peng, Sheng Li, Liang Zhang, Jingbiao Chen, Hong Guo, “Observation of transferred dressed spin effect via metastabilityexchange collisions in 3He atoms,” Appl. Phys. B 125, 170 (2019).

 4. Yuanzhi Zhan, Xiang Peng, Sheng Li, Liang Zhang, Jingbiao Chen, Hong Guo, “Observation of quintuplet spectrum including twice the ground-state Rabi frequency in F = 3/2 metastable state of 3He atoms,” Opt. Express 27, 20694 (2019).

5. Guanyi Zhao, Qi Han, Xiang Peng, Pengyi Zou, Haidong Wang, Changping Du, He Wang, Xiaojun Tong, Qiong Li and Hong Guo, “An Aeromagnetic Compensation Method Based on a Multimodel for Mitigating Multicollinearity, Sensors 19, 2931 (2019). 



1. S. Afach, D. Budker, G. DeCamp, V. Dumont, Z.D. Grujić, H. Guo, D.F. Jackson Kimball, T.W. Kornack, V. Lebedev, W. Li, H. Masia-Roig, S. Nix, M. Padniuk, C.A. Palm, C. Pankow, A. Penaflor, X. Peng, S. Pustelny, T. Scholtes, J. A. Smiga, J.E. Stalnaker, A. Weis, A. Wickenbrock, D. Wurmk, "Characterization of the global network of optical magnetometers to search for exotic physics (GNOME),Phys. Dark Universe 22, 162 (2018).

2. Gan Wang , Zhengyu Li, Yucheng Qiao, Ziyang Chen, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, "Light Source Monitoring in Quantum Key Distribution With Single-Photon Detector at Room Temperature," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 54, 9300110 (2018).



1. Wenhao Li, Xiang Peng, Dmitry Budker, Arne Wickenbrock, Bo Pang, Rui Zhang, and Hong Guo, “Hybrid optical pumping of K and Rb atoms in a paraffin coated vapor cell, Opt. Lett. 42, 4163 (2017).

2. Zaisheng Lin, Xiang Peng, Wenhao Li, Haidong Wang, and Hong Guo, “Magneto-optical double resonance driven by fictitious fields, Opt. Express 25, 7668 (2017).

3. Wenhao Li, Mikhail Balabas, Xiang Peng, Szymon Pustelny, Arne Wickenbrock, Hong Guo and Dmitry Budker, “Characterization of high-temperature performance of cesium vapor cells with anti-relaxation coating, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 063104 (2017).

4. Zhiguo Wang, Xiang Peng, Hui Luo and Hong Guo, “Comparison of operation modes for spin-exchange optically-pumped spin oscillators, J. Magn. Reson. 278, 134-140 (2017).

5. Rui Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Xiang Peng, Wenhao Li, Songjian Li and Hong Guo, “Spin dynamics of magnetic resonance with parametric modulation in a potassium vapor cell, Chinese Phys. B 26, 030701 (2017).

6. Changping Du, Mingyao Xia, Shengxi Huang, Zhihua Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Detection of a Moving Magnetic Dipole Target Using Multiple Scalar Magnetometers, IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 14, 1166 (2017).

7. Qi Han, Zhenjia Dou, Xiaojun Tong, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “A Modified Tolles–Lawson Model Robust to the Errors of the Three-Axis Strapdown Magnetometer,
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 14, 334 (2017).



1. 郭弘,李政宇,彭翔,量子密码》,国防工业出版社 (2016).

2. Zaisheng Lin, He Wang, Xiang Peng, Teng Wu and Hong Guo, Laser pumped 4He magnetometer with light shift suppression,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 115111 (2016).

3. Zhengyu Li, Yi-Chen Zhang, Xiangyu Wang, Bingjie Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, Non-Gaussian postselection and virtual photon subtraction in continuous-variable quantum key distribution,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 012310 (2016).

4. Zhenjia Dou, Qi Han, Xiamu Niu, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “An Adaptive Filter for Aeromagnetic Compensation Based on Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis, IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 13, 1069 (2016).

5. Zhenjia Dou, Qi Han, Xiamu Niu, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “An Aeromagnetic Compensation Coefficient-Estimating Method Robust to Geomagnetic Gradient, IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 13, 611 (2016).



1. Teng Wu, Xiang Peng, Zaisheng Lin and Hong Guo, “A dead-zone free 4He atomic magnetometer with intensity-modulated linearly polarized light and a liquid crystal polarization rotator,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 103105 (2015).



1. Teng Wu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Light shift manipulation and suppression in a double pass optical-magnetic double resonance system,” Laser Phys. 24, 106001 (2014).

2. Wei Gong, Xiang Peng, Wenhao Li and Hong Guo, “Frequency stabilization of a 1083 nm fiber laser to 4He transition lines with optical heterodyne saturation spectroscopies,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 073103 (2014).

3. Zhengyu Li, Yi-Chen Zhang, Feihu Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution,” Phys. Rev. A 89, 052301 (2014).

4. Yichen Zhang, Zhengyu Li, Christian Weedbrook, Song Yu, Wanyi Gu, Maozhu Sun, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Improvement of two-way continuous-variable quantum key distribution using optical amplifiers,” J. Phys. B 47, 035501 (2014).

5. Yichen Zhang, Zhengyu Li, Song Yu, Wanyi Gu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution using squeezed states,” Phys. Rev. A 90, 052325 (2014).



1. Maozhu Sun, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “An improved two-way continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol with added noise in homodyne detection,” J. Phys. B 46, 085501 (2013).

2. Teng Wu, Xiang Peng, Wei Gong, Yuanzhi Zhan, Zaisheng Lin, Bin Luo and Hong Guo,“Observation and optimization of 4He atomic polarization spectroscopy,” Opt. Lett. 38, 986 (2013).

3. 柯超凡,彭翔,徐盛晨,喻松, “基于虚拟仪器的光泵磁力仪测控系统设计,” 红外与激光工程, 42 (12)3315-3319 (2013).



1. Bingjie Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “The Security of SARG04 Protocol in Plug and Play QKD system with an untrusted source,” Quantum Inf. Comput. 12, 0630 (2012).

2. Maozhu Sun, Xiang Peng, Yujie Shen and Hong Guo, “Security of a New Two-Way Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution Protocol,” International J. Quantum Inf. 10, 1250059 (2012).

3. Jian Yang, Bingjie Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Four-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution with long secure distance,” Phys. Rev. A 85, 052302 (2012).



1. Yujie Shen, Xiang Peng, Jian Yang and Hong Guo, “Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with Gaussian source noise,” Phys. Rev. A 83, 052304 (2011).

2. Jinlong Wu, Tiejun Li, Xiang Peng, and Hong Guo, “Statistical method for resolving the photon–photoelectron-counting inversion problem,” J. Comput. Phys. 230, 726 (2011).

3. Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Source monitor in quantum key distribution,” IEEE General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI (2011).



1. Bingjie Xu, Xiang Peng and Hong Guo, “Passive scheme with a photon-number-resolving detector for monitoring the untrusted source in a plug-and-play quantum-key-distribution system,” Phys. Rev. A 82, 042301 (2010).

2. Xiang Peng, Bingjie Xu and Hong Guo, “Passive-scheme analysis for solving the untrusted source problem in quantum key distribution,” Phys. Rev. A 81, 042320 (2010).



1. Xiang Peng, Hao Jiang, Bingjie Xu, Xiongfeng Ma and Hong Guo, “Experimental quantum key distribution with an untrusted source,” Opt. Lett. 33, 2077 (2008).

2. Xiang Peng, Hao Jiang and Hong Guo, “Multi-wavelength QKD for reducing Rayleigh backscattering and increasing key rate,” J. Phys. B 41, 085509 (2008).



1. Yucheng Hu, Xiang Peng, Tiejun Li and Hong Guo, “On the Poisson approximation to photon distribution for faint lasers, Phys. Lett. A 367, 173 (2007).



1. Luming Li, Hong Guo , Feng Xiao, Xiang Peng, and Xuzong Chen, “The control of superluminal group velocity in a system equivalent to the Y-type four-level atomic system,” Phys. Lett. A 334, 214 (2005).

2. Luming Li, Xiang Peng, Cheng Liu, Hong Guo, and Xuzong Chen, “The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium vapour,” J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7, 39 (2005).

3. Luming Li, Hong Guo, Feng Xiao, Xiang Peng, and Xuzong Chen, “Control of light in an M-type five-level atomic system,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 1309 (2005).



1. Luming Li, Xiang Peng, Cheng Liu, Hong Guo, and Xuzong Chen, “The transition time induced narrow linewidth of the electromagnetically induced transparency in caesium vapour, J. Phys. B 37, 1873 (2004).