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当前位置: 论文 < 2019

Yijia Zhao, Yi-Chen Zhang, Yundi Huang, Bingjie Xu, Song Yu, and Hong Guo,

“Polarization attack on continuous-variable quantum key distribution”

J Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. 52(1), 015501, (2019).


Gan Wang, Carlo Ottaviani, Hong Guo, and Stefano Pirandola,

“Improving the lower bound to the secret-key capacity of the thermal amplifier channel”

Eur. Phys. J. D 73(1), 17 (2019).


Qiong Li, Bing-Ze Yan, Hao-Kun Mao, Xiao-Feng Xue, Qi Han, and Hong Guo,

“High-Speed and Adaptive FPGA-Based Privacy Amplification in Quantum Key Distribution”

IEEE Access 7, 21482-21490 (2019)


Yucheng Qiao, Ziyang Chen, Yichen Zhang, Bingjie Xu, and Hong Guo, 
"Sending-or-Not-Sending Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution with Light Source Monitoring"
Entropy  22 
(1), 36,(2020).